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Research and Simulation on Weak Signal Detection Based on Duffing Oscillator and Damping Ratio Perturbation

Min ZHANG(张敏)1,  Zhi-zhen LIU(刘志珍)1, Yan CAO(曹艳 )2, Si-hao DUAN(段嗣昊)3, Lian-ming ZHANG(张连明)1


1. School of Electrical Engineering, Shandong University, Jinan 2 50100, China; 2. School of Electrical Engineering, Shandong Technician Institute, Jinan 250200 , China; 3. Department of Dispatching Centre, Shandong Electric Power Corporation, Laiwu  271100, China


Astract-The chaotic system is sensitive to the initial value,  and this property can be applied in the weak signal detection. There are  peri odic, critical and chaotic states in a chaotic system. When the syste m is in the critical state, a small perturbation of system parameter may lead to  a qualitative change of the system′s state. This paper introduces a new method  to detect weak signals by the way of disturbing the damping ratio. The authors  choose the duffing equation, using MATLAB to carry on the simulation, to study  the changes of the system when t he signal to be measured is added to the damping ratio. By means of observing th e phase locus chart and time domain chart, the weak signal will be detected.


Key words-chaotic system; duffing oscillator; damping r atio; signal detection


Manuscript Number: 1674-8042(2011)02-0161-03


dio: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8042.2011.02.15




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