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Microseismic Monitoring Data Fusion Algorithm and Coal and Gas Outbursts Prediction

Zhi-gang ZHAO(赵志刚), Yun-liang TAN(谭云亮)


Key Laboratory of Mine Disaster Prevention and Control, Shandong  University of Science and Technology, Qingdao 266510, China


Abstract-The prediction study on coal and gas outbursts is ca rried out by monitoring some indices which are sensitive to the initiation of co al and gas outbursts. The values and changing rules of the indices are the found ations of coal and gas outbursts prediction. But now, only the data of one key m onitoring station is used in the coal and gas outbursts prediction practice, and  the other data are ignored. In order to overcome the human factor and make full  use of the monitoring information, the technique of multi-sensor target tracki ng is proposed to deal with the microseismic information. With the results of mi croseismic events, the activities of geological structure,fracture-depth of r oof and floor, and the location of gas channel are obtained.These studies indic ate that it is considerably possible to predict the coal and gas outbursts using  microseismic monitoring with its inherent ability to remotely monitor the progr essive failure caused by mining.


Key words-coal and gas outbursts; microseismic monitori ng; data fusion


Manuscript Number: 1674-8042(2010)04-0315-02


dio: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8042.2010.04.03




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