Young-joon OH, Jong-in KIM, Taeh-yun YOON, Kee-chul JUNG
Dept. of Digital Media, Soongsil University, Seoul 156-743, Sout h Korea
Abstract-The intelligent environment needs Human-Computer Int eractive technology (HCI) and a projector projects screen on wall in the intelli gent environments. We propose the front-face detection from four captured image s related to the intelligent room for the deaf. Our proposal purpose is that a d eaf user faces wall displaying everywhere. The system gets the images from four cameras, and detects the user region from a silhouette image using a different method, detects and cuts a motion body region from a different image, and cuts t he vertex-chest region from the cut body region image. The system attempts to f ind front-face using Haar-like feature, and selects a detected front-face ima ge from the vertex-chest region. We estimate the front-face detection of recog nition rate, which shows somewhat successfully.
Key words-face detection; hand gesture; intellegence ro om; everwhere dispalys; image processing
Manuscript Number: 1674-8042(2010)04-0338-05
dio: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8042.2010.04.09
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