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Application of quaternion in visual simulation of rigid body motion 2017-03-30 17:52
Propagation velocity measurement for flame of gas explosion in horizontal tube 2017-03-30 17:46
Effect of warhead wall thickness on charge uniformity in industrial CT detection 2017-03-30 17:43
Testing method for veer of table tennis ball 2017-03-30 17:36
Fabrication of automatic switch for AC-DC completely automated measurement system at NIS 2017-03-30 17:27
Development of OPTO-LDR coupled timer based voltage to frequency converter 2017-03-30 17:22
Description of nonstationary non-Gaussian processes using finite atomic functions 2017-03-30 17:15
Minimum variance adaptive beamforming combined with coherence factor weighting applied to ultrafast active cavitation imaging 2017-03-30 16:40
Millimeter-wave LFMCW radar water surface detection experiment and its imaging algorithm 2017-03-30 16:21
Sub-pixel edge detection method for miniature parts in microscopic field of view 2017-03-30 16:18
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