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MAAUNet: Exploration of U-shaped encoding and decoding structure for semantic segmentation of medical image

SHAO Shuo1,2, GE Hongwei1,2

(1. Jiangsu Provincial Engineering Laboratory of Pattern Recognition and Computational Intelligence, Jiangnan University, Wuxi 214122, China; 2. School of Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science, Jiangnan University, Wuxi 214122, China)

Abstract: In view of the problems of multi-scale changes of segmentation targets, noise interference, rough segmentation results and slow training process faced by medical image semantic segmentation, a multi-scale residual aggregation U-shaped attention network structure of MAAUNet (MultiRes aggregation attention UNet) is proposed based on MultiResUNet. Firstly, aggregate connection is introduced from the original feature aggregation at the same level. Skip connection is redesigned to aggregate features of different semantic scales at the decoder subnet, and the problem of semantic gaps is further solved that may exist between skip connections. Secondly, after the multi-scale convolution module, a convolution block attention module is added to focus and integrate features in the two attention directions of channel and space to adaptively optimize the intermediate feature map. Finally, the original convolution block is improved. The convolution channels are expanded with a series convolution structure to complement each other and extract richer spatial features. Residual connections are retained and the convolution block is turned into a multi-channel convolution block. The model is made to extract multi-scale spatial features. The experimental results show that MAAUNet has strong competitiveness in challenging datasets, and shows good segmentation performance and stability in dealing with multi-scale input and noise interference. 

Key words: U-shaped attention network structure of MAAUNet; convolutional neural network; encoding-decoding structure; attention mechanism; medical image; semantic segmentation


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MAAUNet: 医学图像语义分割U型编解码结构探索

邵硕1,2, 葛洪伟1,2

(1. 江南大学 江苏省模式识别与计算智能实验室, 江苏 无锡 214122; 2. 江南大学 人工智能与计算机学院, 江苏 无锡, 214122)

摘要:针对医学图像语义分割面临的分割目标多尺度变化、 噪声干扰、 分割结果粗糙、 训练过程缓慢的问题, 基于UNet和MultiResUNet提出了一种多尺度残差带有聚合连接的U型注意力网络结构MAAUNet (MultiRes aggregation attention UNet)。 首先, 引入了聚合连接。 由原来同一级的特征聚合重新设计跳跃连接, 在解码器子网处聚合不同语义尺度的特征, 进一步解决跳跃连接间可能存在的语义鸿沟问题。 其次, 在多尺度卷积模块之后加入了卷积块注意力机制模块。 在通道和空间两个注意力方向上特征聚焦并集成, 以自适应优化中间特征图。 最后, 对原有的多尺度卷积块做出改进。 用串联卷积结构拓展卷积通道, 相互补充信息, 提取更丰富的空间特征, 保留残差连接, 使原卷积块变为多通道卷积块, 从而使模型可提取多尺度空间特征。 实验结果表明, MAAUNet在具有挑战性的数据集上具有很强的竞争力, 在应对多尺度输入、 噪声干扰的情况时表现出了良好的分割性能和稳定性。 

关键词:U型注意力网络结构MAAUNet; 卷积神经网络; 编解码结构; 注意力机制; 医学图像; 语义分割

引用格式:SHAO Shuo, GE Hongwei. MAAUNet: Exploration of U-shaped encoding and decoding structure for semantic segmentation of medical image. Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation, 2022, 13(4): 418-429. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8042.2022.04.005

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