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Comparative study of differential polarization imaging using linear and circular polarization in different scattering medium

TIAN Heng1, WU Yelin1, TIAN Jingjing1, ZHANG Bo1, ZHU Jingping2

(1. School of Physics and Electronic Information Engineering, Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo 454003, China; 2. Shaanxi Key Lab of Information Photonic Technique, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049, China)

Abstract:Differential polarization imaging has been widely used to selectively probe the target embedded in turbid medium. A thorough understanding of image quality involved in differential polarization imaging is essential for practical use. Using polarized light Monte Carlo simulations, it has been investigated how the state of polarization of incident light and the optical properties of scattering medium affect the image contrast. The contrast for linear polarization is similar to that for circular polarization in the isotropic medium comprising small-particles. The image quality is more pronounced for circular polarization in the isotropic medium containing large-particles and the birefringent medium. Furthermore, differential polarization imaging provides better image quality for the birefringent medium compared with isotropic medium. The effect of particle-size and birefringence on the polarization characteristics of target light and backscattered light is investigated. With the help of numerical results, the polarization characteristics of target light and backscattered light, the image quality is well explained in the turbid medium mentioned above.

Key words:polarization imaging; target detection; Monte Carlo simulation; scattering; birefringence


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田  恒1, 吴业林1, 田晶晶1, 张  波1, 朱京平2

(1. 河南理工大学 物理与电子信息学院, 河南 焦作 454003; 2. 西安交通大学 陕西省信息光子重点实验室, 陕西 西安 710049)

摘  要:    为了明确浑浊介质双折射效应和散射体粒径对偏振差分成像质量的影响, 利用Monte Carlo模拟方法研究了在粒径尺寸不同的普通介质和双折射介质中线偏振光和圆偏振光入射时的偏振差分成像效果, 详细分析了双折射效应和散射体粒径对目标反射光与介质光退偏特性的影响, 并据此对偏振差分成像的图像对比度进行分析。 结果表明, 在普通介质中, 粒径尺寸是影响偏振光偏振特性的关键因素, 入射光偏振态对成像质量的影响与散射体粒径相关, 大粒径条件下利用圆偏振光能呈现出更佳的成像质量。 在双折射介质中, 双折射特性成为影响偏振光偏振特性的关键因素, 成像效果与散射体粒径无关, 入射光偏振态对成像质量起关键决定作用, 圆偏振光对应的成像效果优于线偏振光对应的成像效果。 基于双折射效应, 利用偏振差分成像在双折射介质中获得的成像质量优于普通介质中的成像质量。

关键词: 偏振成像; 目标检测; Monte Carlo模拟; 散射; 双折射效应  

引用格式:TIAN Heng, WU Yelin, TIAN Jingjing, et al. Comparative study of differential polarization imaging using linear and circular polarization in different scattering medium. Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation, 2022, 13(2):173-183. DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1674-8042.2022.02.006

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