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Dynamic path planning strategy based on improved RRT* algorithm

SUO Chao, HE Lile

(College of Electrical & Mechanical Engineering, Xi’an University of Architecture & Technology, Xi’an 710055, China)

Abstract:In order to solve the problem of path planning of mobile robots in a dynamic environment, an improved rapidly-exploring random tree* (RRT*) algorithm is proposed in this paper. First, the target bias sampling is introduced to reduce the randomness of the RRT* algorithm, and then the initial path planning is carried out in a static environment. Secondly, apply the path in a dynamic environment, and use the initially planned path as the path cache. When a new obstacle appears in the path, the invalid path is clipped and the path is replanned. At this time, there is a certain probability to select the point in the path cache as the new node, so that the new path maintains the trend of the original path to a greater extent. Finally, MATLAB is used to carry out simulation experiments for the initial planning and replanning algorithms, respectively. More specifically, compared with the original RRT* algorithm, the simulation results show that the number of nodes used by the new improved algorithm is reduced by 43.19% on average.

Key words:mobile robot; path planning; rapidly-exploring random tree* (RRT*) algorithm; dynamic environment; target bias sampling


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索  超, 贺利乐

(西安建筑科技大学 机电工程学院, 陕西 西安 710055)

摘  要:    为了进一步解决移动机器人在动态环境下的路径规划问题, 提出了一种改进的快速扩展随机树*(RRT*)算法。 首先, 引入目标偏置采样以降低RRT*算法的随机性, 在静态环境下进行路径初规划。 其次, 在动态环境下应用该路径, 并将初规划的路径作为路径缓存, 当路径中出现新障碍物时, 将无效路径进行裁剪并进行路径重规划, 此时在进行节点采样时, 有一定概率选择路径缓存中的点作为新节点, 使得新路径更大程度上保持原有路径的趋势。 最后, 使用MATLAB分别进行初规划、 重规划的仿真实验。 与传统RRT*算法进行了对比, 新的改进算法使用的节点数量平均减少了43.19%。 

关键词: 移动机器人; 路径规划; RRT*算法; 动态环境; 目标偏置采样  

引用格式:SUO Chao, HE Lile. Dynamic path planning strategy based on improved RRT* algorithm. Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation, 2022, 13(2):198-208. DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1674-8042.2022.02.009

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