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Vibration mechanism analysis and algorithm optimization of contactor contact system

HUANG Kepeng1, WANG Fazhan1, ZHAO Mingji1, GUO Baoliang1, OU Daquan2

(1. College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Xi’an University of Architecture & Technology, Xi’ an 710055, China;2. Technology R&D Center, ABB Xinhui Low-Voltage Switchgear Co., Ltd., Jiangmen 529089, China)

Abstract: In order to solve the problem of vibration bounce caused by the contact between moving and stationary contacts in the process of switching on, two-degree-of-freedom motion differential equation of the contact system is established. Genetic algorithm is used to optimize the pull in process of AC contactor. The whole process of contact bounce was observed and analyzed by high-speed photography experiment. The theory and experimental results were very similar. The iron core has collided before the contact is separated, which further aggravates the contact bounce. When the iron core bounces collided again, the bounce of the contact was not affected. During the operation of the contactor, the movement of the moving iron core will cause slight vibration of the system. The contact bounce time and the maximum amplitude are reduced. The research results provide a theoretical basis for further control and reduction of contact bounce.

Key words: electrical switch; contact bounce; two-degree-of-freedom motion differential equation; algorithm optimization;  high-speed photography


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黄克鹏1, 王发展1, 赵明基1, 郭宝良1, 区达铨2

(1. 西安建筑科技大学 机电工程学院, 陕西 西安 710055;2. ABB新会低压开关有限公司技术研发部, 广东 江门 529089)

摘要:为了解决合闸过程中动、 静触头接触引起的振动弹跳问题。 本文建立了接触系统的二自由度运动微分方程, 并利用遗传算法对交流接触器吸合过程进行优化, 同时通过高速摄影实验对接触弹跳的全过程进行了观察和分析。 结果表明: 理论与实验结果高度一致, 铁心在触头分离前发生碰撞, 进一步加剧触头弹跳;铁芯弹跳再次碰撞时, 触头的弹跳不受影响;在接触器运行过程中, 动铁芯的运动会引起系统轻微振动;采用遗传算法优化的接触器触头弹跳时间和最大振幅均减小。 研究结果为进一步控制和减小接触弹跳提供了理论依据。 

关键词:电气开关; 触头弹跳; 二自由度运动微分方程; 算法优化; 高速摄影

引用格式: HUANG Kepeng, WANG Fazhan, ZHAO Mingji, et al. Vibration mechanism analysis and algorithm optimization of contactor contact system. Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation, 2021, 12(4):  396-404. DOI:  10.3969/j.issn.1674-8042.2021.04.003

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