GUO Fengzhi, LI Xingfei, LI Jingxian
(State Key Laboratory of Precision Measurement Technology and Instruments, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China)
Abstract: As an orientation measurement system, north-finder has been playing a significant role in both military and civilian fields of orientation and control. In this paper, to deal with drawbacks in the conventional north-finding systems, a dynamic strategy based on continuous rotation modulation to measure the rotational angular velocity of the earth is proposed. By modeling the dynamic error, optimizing the process constraint and estimating dynamic noise, a method combining delay compensation and hardware adjustment, and a constrained adaptive Kalman filter (CAKF) algorithm are designed for the north-finding strategy. According to simulation and experiments, the proposed algorithm can achieve the high-precision north-finding with robust and anti-noise performance.
Key words: north-finding; constrained adaptive Kalman filter (CAKF); continuous rotation modulation; dynamic error; tilted base
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郭凤志, 李醒飞, 李婧娴
(天津大学 精密测试技术及仪器国家重点实验室, 天津 300072)
摘 要: 寻北仪作为方位测量装置, 被广泛应用在军事和民用定向和控制领域。 针对传统寻北仪方法存在的缺陷, 提出了基于测量地球自转角速度分量的连续旋转调制动态寻北方案。 通过动态误差建模、 优化过程约束和动态噪声估计, 设计了延时补偿和硬件修正方案及限制自适应卡尔曼滤波算法。 经仿真及试验验证, 该算法鲁棒性好, 抗噪声能力强, 寻北精确度高。
关键词: 寻北; 限制自适应卡尔曼滤波器; 连续旋转调制; 动态误差; 倾斜基底
引用格式: GUO Fengzhi, LI Xingfei, LI Jingxian. Continuous rotation north-finding algorithm based on constrained adaptive Kalman filter. Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation, 2021, 12(2): 133-145. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8042.2021.02.002
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