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Influence of temperature on mechanical stimulation threshold of typical liquid propellant

JIANG Yuxuan1, JIN Shanpin1,2, JIANG Rongpei3, TANG Yulin4, WU Xingliang1, XU Feiyang1, XU Sen1, LIU Dabin1

(1. School of Chemical Engineering, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing 210094, China;2. Dafang County Public Security Bureau of Guizhou Province, Bijie 551600, China;3. Beijing Institute of Aerospace Technology, Beijing 100074, China;4. Shanghai Space Propulsion Technology Research Institute, Shanghai 201109, China)

Abstract: In order to study the variation of temperature to mechanical stimulation threshold of typical liquid propellants (ADN-based HAN-based and nitromethane), the critical impact energy and critical friction of three propellants under different temperatures were studied by using BAM fall hammer impact sensitivity tester and BAM friction sensitivity tester. Experiments show that under 80 ℃, 60 ℃, 40 ℃ and 20 ℃, the critical impact energy of HAN-based are 20 J, 15 J, 15 J, 15 J; the critical impact energy of nitromethane are 2 J, 2 J, 2 J, 2 J; and the critical impact energy of ADN-based are < 1 J, 3 J, 7.5 J, 15 J. It reveals that HAN-based propellant has the highest critical impact energy, while nitromethane propellant has the lowest critical impact energy. ADN-based propellant has a notable decrease on its critical impact energy with temperature decreasing, indicating that temperature has a significant effect on impact sensitivity of ADN-based propellant. The critical friction of three samples are all higher than 360 N at 80 ℃, 60 ℃, 40 ℃ and 20 ℃, which shows that the samples are not sensitive to friction, and temperature has no significant effect on the critical friction of three samples. The mechanical stimulations that may be encountered during the production and use of liquid propellants are analyzed, which takes certain working conditions and the temperature coupling effect into consideration, thereby providing support for safety management of liquid propellants during production and storage process.

Key words: liquid propellant; hydroxylamine nitrate (HAN-based); nitromethane; ammonium dinitramide (ADN-based); impact sensitivity; friction sensitivity; temperature


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蒋宇轩1, 金山品1,2, 蒋榕培3, 汤玉林4, 吴星亮1, 徐飞扬1, 徐  森1, 刘大斌1

(1. 南京理工大学 化工学院, 江苏 南京 210094; 2. 贵州省大方县公安局, 贵州 毕节 551600;3. 北京航天试验技术研究所, 北京 100074; 4. 上海空间推进研究所, 上海 201109)

摘  要:  为了研究温度对典型液体推进剂(ADN基、 HAN基和硝基甲烷)机械刺激反应阈值的变化规律, 采用BAM撞击感度仪和BAM摩擦感度仪研究了不同温度条件下三种推进剂临界撞击能量和临界摩擦力。 结果显示在80 ℃、 60 ℃、 40 ℃和20 ℃下的临界撞击能量, HAN基样品为20 J、 15 J、 15 J、 15 J, 硝基甲烷样品为2 J、 2 J、 2 J、 2 J, ADN基样品为小于1 J、 3 J、 7.5 J、 15 J。 结果表明HAN基样品的临界撞击能量最高, 硝基甲烷的临界撞击能量最小, ADN基样品的临界撞击能量随温度升高而快速降低, 表明温度对ADN基样品的感度具有显著影响。 三种样品在80 ℃、 60 ℃、 40 ℃和20 ℃下的临界摩擦力均大于360 N, 表明样品对摩擦作用不敏感, 且温度对三种样品的临界摩擦力无显著影响。 本文对液体推进剂在生产和使用等过程中可能遭遇的机械刺激进行了定量分析, 对液体推进剂在生产以及储存过程中的安全管理具有实际意义。

关键词:  液体推进剂; 硝酸羟胺; 硝基甲烷; ADN; 撞击感度; 摩擦感度; 温度

引用格式:  JIANG Yuxuan, JIN Shanpin, JIANG Rongpei, et al. Influence of temperature on mechanical stimulation threshold of typical liquid propellant. Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation, 2021, 12(2): 154-159. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8042.2021.02.004

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