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Optical polarization imaging for underwater target detection with non-scatter background

GUAN Jin-ge1ZHAO Yong2ZHENG Yong-qiu3MA Miao4SUN Peng1XUE Chen-yang3


1. School of Information and Communication Engineering, North University of China, Taiyuan 030051, China2. Beijing Institute of Computer Application Technology, China North Industries Group Corporation Limited, Beijing 100089, China3. Key Laboratory of Instrumentation Science and Dynamic MeasurementNorth University of China), Ministry of Education, Taiyuan 030051, China4. Department of Science, Taiyuan Institute of Technology, Taiyuan 030008, China


AbstractFor conventional optical polarization imaging of underwater target, the polarization degree of backscatter should be pre-measured by averaging the pixel intensities in the no target region of the polarization images, and the polarization property of the target is assumed to be completely depolarized. When the scattering background is unseen in the field of view or the target is polarized, conventional method is helpless in detecting the target. An improvement is to use lots of co-polarization and cross polarization detection components. We propose a polarization subtraction method to estimate depolarization property of the scattering noise and target signal. And experiment in a quartz cuvette container is performed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. The results show that the proposed method can work without scattering background reference, and further recover the target along with smooth surface for polarization preserving response. This study promotes the development of optical polarization imaging systems in underwater environments.


Key wordspolarization imaging; underwater optical scattering; optical information processing; target detection


CLD numberTP273             doi10.3969/j.issn.1674-8042.2020.04.004




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管今哥1, 赵  勇2, 郑永秋3, 马淼4, 孙鹏1, 薛晨阳3


1. 中北大学 信息与通信工程学院, 山西 太原 0300512. 中国兵器工业计算机应用技术研究所, 北京 1000893.中北大学 仪器科学与动态测试教育部重点实验室, 山西 太原 0300514. 太原工业学院 理学系, 山西 太原 030008


 :  光学偏振成像系统能够基于水体散射噪声与目标信号之间的退偏振特性差异有效地抑制光散射效应对水下目标检测效果的影响。 然而, 传统偏振检测方法需要事先在图像无目标区域对水体后向散射光的偏振度进行测量, 并且假设目标为完全非偏振特征。 当水体后向散射场景没有呈现在光学成像系统视场中或者目标具有偏振明显特性时, 上述检测方法失效。 针对该问题, 通过测量水下场景的平行偏振与正交偏振分量, 提出了偏振减方法对水体散射噪声与目标信号的退偏振特性进行正确估计, 并且在石英比色皿容器中对所提方法的可靠性进行了实验验证。 结果表明, 偏振减方法适用于无散射背景参照的情形, 并可以检测水下环境中表面光滑的保偏目标。


关键词:  偏振成像; 水体散射; 光学信息处理; 目标检测


引用格式:  GUAN Jin-geZHAO YongZHENG Yong-qiuet al. Optical polarization imaging for underwater target detection with non-scatter background. Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation, 2020, 114): 335-342. doi10.3969j.issn.1674-8042.2020.04.004


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