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Development of an in-situ measuring system for blisk manufacturing

ZHANG Hai-tao1,2, LIU Shu-gui1,  LI Xing-hua1, SU Zhi-kun1

 (1. State Key Laboratory of Precision Measuring Technology and Instruments, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China; 2. School of Mechanical Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China)

Abstract: In order to solve the in-situ measurement problem of workpiece with complex structures, a cantilever coordinate measuring machine (CCMM) is proposed to adapt to the finite space constraints of the 5-axis computer numerical control (CNC) processing site. Structure design of dense ball bearing shafting is analyzed and optimized. Factors affecting measurement accuracy of CCMM are analyzed, and measurement accuracy is validated by experiments. Results show that the structure of CCMM is able to satisfy requirements of technical specification, and the in-situ measurement of blisk manufacturing is realized. The CCMM developed is of important significance for machining quantity improvement of blisk and development of large aircraft production.

Key words: blisk; in-situ measurement; cantilever coordinate measuring machine (CCMM)

CLD number: TH721                                              Document code: A

Article ID: 1674-8042(2018)02-0115-06          doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8042.2018.02.003


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张海涛1,2, 刘书桂1,  李杏华1, 苏智琨1

(1.天津大学 精密测试技术及仪器国家重点实验室, 天津 300072; 2. 天津大学 机械工程学院, 天津 300072)

摘要: 针对五轴数控机床加工现场狭长空间的限制以及整体叶盘原位测量的需求, 研制了一种悬臂式坐标测量机。 设计并优化了密珠轴系的结构, 分析了影响测量机测量精度的各项因素, 并通过实验对测量机的测量精度进行了验证。 结果显示, 所设计的测量机结构能够满足测量指标的要求, 可在机床加工原位对整体叶盘加工质量进行检测。 所研制的测量机对于提高整体叶盘加工质量及发展大飞机生产都具有重要意义。 

关键词: 整体叶盘; 原位测量; 悬臂式坐标测量机

引用格式:ZHANG Hai-tao, LIU Shu-gui,  LI Xing-hua, et al. Development of an in-situ measuring system for blisk manufacturing. Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation, 2018, 9(2): 115-120. [doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8042.2018.02.003]

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