Hee-su KANG, Hyun-chool SHIN
Dept. of Electronic Engineering, School of IT, Soongsil Universit y, Seoul 156-743, Korea
Abstract-A smart Human-Computer Interface (HCI) replacing co nventional mouse interface is proposed. The interface is able to control cursor and command action with only hand. Four finger motions (left click, right click, hold, drag) are used to command the interface. Also the authors materialize cu rsor movement control using image processing. The measure what they use for inf erence is entropy of Electromyogram (EMG) signal, Gaussian modeling and maximum likelihood estimation. In image processing for cursor control, they use color r ecognition to get the center point of finger tip from marker, and map the point onto cursor. Accuracy of finger movement inference is over 95% and cursor contro l works naturally without delay. They materialize whole system to check its performance and utility.
Key words-EMG: vision: HCI: interface: mouse
Manuscript Number: 1674-8042(2011)02-0152-05
dio: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8042.2011.02.13
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