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Current Status of Intelligent Space


Hideki Hashimoto, Takeshi Sasaki, Laszlo Attila Jeni



Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo, Tokyo 153- 8505, Japan



Abstract-Latest advances in network sensor technology and sta te of the art of mobile robotics and artificial intelligence research can be app lied to develop autonomous and distributed monitoring systems. Intelligent Space  (iSpace) is an environmental system, which is able to support human in informat ive and physical ways. iSpace observing the space with distributed sensors, extr acts useful information from the obtained data and provides various services to  users. This means that essential functions of iSpace are “observation”, “reco gnition” and “actuation.” In this paper, we focus on the observation function  of iSpace. And we describe observation systems to get information of both huma n and mobile agents in the space to show new results.


Key words-current status; intelligent space; network se nsor technology


Manuscript Number: 1674-8042(2010)01-0086-07


dio: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8042.2010.01.18




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