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Robot Positioning and Navigation Based on Hybrid Wireless Sensor Network


Shun-cai YAO(姚舜才)1, Jin-dong TAN(谭劲东)2, Hong-xia PAN(潘宏侠)3


1. School of Information and Communication Engineering, North Uni versity of China, Taiyuan 030051, China;2. Dept. of Electrical Computer Engineering, Michigan Technological Universi ty, Houghton 49931-1295, USA;3. School of Mechanical Engineering Automation, North University of China, T aiyuan 030051, China


Abstract-Traditional sensor network and robot navigation are b ased on the map of detecting the fields available in advance. The optimal algori thms are developed to solve the energy saving, the shortest path problems, etc.  However, in the practical environment, there are many fields, whose map is diffi cult to get, and needs to be detected. In this paper a kind of ad-hoc navigatio n algorithm is explored, which is based on the hybrid sensor network without the  prior map in advance. The navigation system is composed of static nodes and dyn amic nodes. The static nodes monitor the occurrances of the events and broadcast  them. In the system, a kind of algorithm is to locate the robot, which is based  on cluster broadcasting. The dynamic nodes detect the adversary or dangerous fi elds and broadcast warning messages. The robot gets the message and follows ad- hoc routine to arrive where the events occur. In the whole process, energy savin g has been taken into account. The algorithms, which are based on the hybrid sen sor network, are given in this paper. The simulation and practical results are a lso available.


Key words-Hybrid sensor network; robot navigation; rout ine planning; energy saving algorithm


Manuscript Number: 1674-8042(2010)01-0074-07


dio: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8042.2010.01.016




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