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Microwave Diagnostics for Studies of Electromagnetic Scattering by Fluorescent Lamp Plasma

Xiang HE(何湘)1, Jian-ping CHEN(陈建平)2,  Ying WU (吴莹)1 ,  Yu-dong CHEN(陈玉东)2, Xiao-jun ZENG(曾小军)2, Hai-chao QIN(秦海潮)2, Xiao-wu NI(倪晓武)1




1. College of Science, Nanjing University of Science & Technology , Nanjing 210094, China;2. Beijing Aeronautical Technology Research Center, Beijing 100076, China


Abstract-This paper reports a related microwave diagnostic met hod that measures both the electron number density and the electron-neutral col lision frequency, which are crucial to understand the behavior of microwave trav eling in plasma. Arrays of standard commercial fluorescent lamp placed directly  against each other in two rows are used to produce a plasma layer. Attenuations  of microwave by plasma layer are studied experimentally in the frequencies of 1 ~8 GHz using a synthesized signal generator and a spectrum analyzer. Two wave- polarizations are under investigation: electric field of the wave is either para llel (E-wave) or perpendicular (H-wave) to the fluorescent lamp axis.  The electron number density and the electron-neutral collision frequency of flu orescent lamp plasma are obtained by microwave diagnostics, for the purpose of a nalyzing microwave scattering characteristics by plasma.

Key words-plasma; microwave; microwave diagnostics; att enuation; absorption

Manuscript Number: 1674-8042(2010)01-0054-04

dio: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8042.2010.11


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