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New Intellectual Economized Technique on Electricity Based on DSP

Chang-ming LI(李长明), Tao JI(季涛), Ying SUN(孙颖)


1. Scientific Research Office Weifang University, Weifang 261061,  China;2. College of Information and Electrical Engineering, Shandong University of  Science and Technology, Qingdao 266510, China


Abstract-In order to resolve the problem of the unbalanced thr ee-phase and unstable voltage, intellectual economized technique on electricity  based on electromagnetic regulation and control is proposed in this paper.  We  choose the TMS320LF2407A as the control chip and stepper motor as the executing  agency. The equipment controls the movable contact reaching to the assigned posi tion on the magnetic coil quickly and accurately, and outputs the sine-wave vol tage steadily along with the network voltage variation though the fuzzy Porporti onal Integral Derivative(PID) control algorithm of integral separation and incre mental mode with setting dead area.  The principle of work and the key technique  on the electromagnetic regulation and control are introduced in detail in this  paper. The experiment result gives a proof for all the algorithm mentioned in t his paper.


Key words-electromagnetic regulation and control; stepp er motor; fuzzy control


Manuscript Number: 1674-8042(2010)02-0188-04


dio: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8042.2010.02.21




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