Khac Duc Do1, Dang Binh Nguyen2, Anh Duc Nguyen3
1. School of Mechanical Engineering, University of Western Australia, WA 6009, Australia; 2. Rectoral Office Thainguyen University of Technology Thainguyen, Vietnam; 3. Department of Electrical Engineering, Thainguyen University of Technology Thainguyen, Vietnam
Abstract-A constructive method is presented to design control lers that force the output of nonlinear systems in a strict feedback form to tra ck a bounded and sufficient smooth reference trajectory asymptotically. Under suitable condition with the initial output tracking error, the proposed controll ers guarantee the output tracking error within a symmetric or an asymmetric pre -specified limit range, and boundedness of all signals of the closed loop syste m. A transformation is introduced to take care of the output tracking error cons traint. Smooth and/or p-times differentiable step functions are proposed an d incorporated in the output tracking error transformation to overcome difficult ies due to the asymmetric limit range on the output tracking error. As a result, there are no switchings in the proposed controllers despite of the asymmetric l imit range.
Key words-nonlinear system; output constraint; backstep ping; Lyapunov method
Manuscript Number: 1674-8042(2010)03-0217-07
dio: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8042.2010.03.04
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