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Reliability Evaluation Metrics for Open Source Software Selection

Jing-shu JIN, Hoo-jae LEE,  Sung-yul RHEW


Dept. of Computer Science, Soongsil University, Seoul 156-743, Korea


Abstract-Recently, Open Source Software (OSS) is so widely use d not only by companies for development but also by common users instead of comm ercial software. However, the number of OSS is vast, and its quality varies from  low to high. So how people can evaluate OSS and ensure that it is reliable for  use becomes necessary. This paper proposes a set of reliability evaluation metri cs considering the states of OSS selected in the early stage. Understandability,  Fault tolerance & Recoverability and Community Maturity as sub-attributes of r eliability are defined, and then several evaluation criteria for each of them ar e identified. A process of reliability evaluation in our study is proposed. For  application, we select four OSS projects and evaluate them with our metrics. As  a result of comparison with other evaluation model for OSS, our research presen ts an easy, effective and trustworthy way for selecting a reliable OSS.


Key words-OSS; reliability evaluation metric; reliability evaluation


Manuscript Number: 1674-8042(2010)03-0281-04


dio: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8042.2010.03.17




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