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Investigation of the Relevance Between Electronic Coursew are Implementation and Students′ Learning Styles

Akira KUMAMOTO,  Hidetaka ITO


Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Kansai University, Osaka 564-8680, Japan


Abstract-Currently many methods of implementation are availab le if we want the courseware to be used in e-learning interactivly with media r ich.This paper focuses the attention  to the relevance between various implementations in presentation adopted in the  courseware and students′ learning styles, in order to consider what kind of imp lementation or description is preferable to what kind of students or order to su pport their learning. We carried out the canonical correlation analysis for this  purpose and investigated this relevance on the basis of the experiments. Main r esults of the experiment are given with detailed discussion.


Key words-rich media courseware; e-learning; learning  styles; media technology; courseware implementation


Manuscript Number: 1674-8042(2010)03-0262-05


dio: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8042.2010.03.13



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