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Real-time Forward Vehicle Detection Method Based on Edge Analysis

Young-suk JI1,  Hwan-ik CHUNG2,  Hern-soo HAHN1


1. Dept. of Electronic Engineering, Soonsil University, Seoul 156743, Korea;2. Dept. of Internet Information, Kyungbok College, Kyeonggi-do 487717, Korea


Abstract-This paper proposes a method which uses the extended  edge analysis to supplement the inaccurate edge information for better vehicle  detection during vehicle detection. The extended edge analysis method detects t wo vertical edge items, which are the borderlines of both sides of the vehicle,  by extending the horizontal edges obtained inaccurately due to the illumination  or noise existing on the image.  The proposed method extracts the horizontal edg es with the method of merging edges by using the horizontal edge information ins ide the Region of Interest (ROI), which is set up on the pre-processing step. T he bottom line is determined by detecting the shadow regions of the vehicle from  the extracted horizontal edge one. The general width of the vehicle detecting   and the extended edge analyzing methods are carried out side by side on the bott om line of the vehicle to determine width of the vehicle. Finally, the final veh icle is detected through the verification step. On the road image with complicat e background, the vehicle detecting method based on the extended edge analysis i s more efficient than the existing vehicle detecting method which uses the edge  information. The excellence of the proposed vehicle detecting method is confirme d by carrying out the vehicle detecting experiment on the complicate road image.


Key words-vehicle detection; edge analysis; ROI


Manuscript Number: 1674-8042(2010)03-0250-06


dio: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8042.2010.03.11




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