Yu-liang QIAO(乔玉良)
College of Mining Technology, Taiyuan University of Technology, T aiyuan 030024, China
Abstract-With rapid development of remote sensing technology, the resolution of remote sensing images is increasingly improved; then people ca n extract more useful data and information from these images. Thus, an important information extraction method from remote sensing images-image classification, becomes more and more important. Based on phenophase and band composition chara cteristics, this paper firstly discusses the important role of background parame ters in remote sensing images classification; then based on geographical informa tion system technology, the computerized automatic classification to high-mediu m-low-yield croplands in Dingxiang County of Shanxi Province in remote sensing images has been carried out by using compound layers classification method of m ulti-thematic information; compared the classification result to the visual int erpretation results, the accuracy increases from 70% to above 90%.
Key words-remote sensing classification; background par ameters; thematic information; band composition; geographical information system
Manuscript Number: 1674-8042(2010)04-0317-06
dio: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8042.2010.04.04
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