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Low Phase Noise VCO using Novel Harmonic Control Circuit Based on Quad-band Composite Right/Left-handed Transmission Line

Jae-won CHOI,  Chul-hun SEO


School of Electronic Engineering, Soongsil University, Seoul 156 -743, Korea


Abstract-In this paper, a novel Voltage-Controlled Oscillato r (VCO) using the harmonic control circuit based on the quad-band Composite Rig ht/Left-Handed (CRLH) Transmission Line (TL) is presented to reduce the phase n oise without the reduction of the frequency tuning range and miniaturizing the c ircuit size. The phase noise has been reduced by the quad-band harmonic control  circuit which has the short impedance for the second- and third- and fourth-  and fifth -harmonic components. The CRLH TL with two Left-Handed (LH) (backward) and two  Right-Handed (RH) (forward) pass bands are used to design the quad-band harmo nic control circuit. The high-Q resonator has been used to reduce the phase  noise, but it has the problem of the frequency tuning range reduction. However,  th e frequency tuning range of the proposed VCO has not reduced because the phase n oise has reduced without the high-Q resonator. The miniaturization of the c ircuit size is achieved by using the quad-band CRLH TL instead of the conventio nal RH TL. The phase noise of VCO is -124.43~-122.67 dBc/Hz at 100 kHz  in the tuning range of 5.729~5.934 GHz.


Key words-VCO; phase noise; frequency tuning range;  miniaturization; novel harmonic control circuit; quad-band CRLH TLs


Manuscript Number: 1674-8042(2010)04-0380-07


dio: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8042.2010.04.18




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