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Universal I/O Design for Customizing MCU

Jongsung Kim, Jungwhan Choi, Seongsoo Lee

 School of Electronic, Information and Communication Engineering, Soongsil University, Seoul, Korea

Abstract — Typically, a variety of digital devices are built into the MCU. These digital devices in order to develop a variety of applications PC, various devices such as smart phones should be easily connected. But so far the interface of these devices has not been a unified approach. Development of various types of devices to easily shall be equipped with various interfaces such as UART, SPI, I2C. However, there follows a lot of hardware problems to greatly increasing the number of I/O ports. Universal I / O are four types based on the same port. Each port is controlled the software approach to operate UART, SPI, I2C, etc.

Keywords— MCU; Universal I/O; UART; I2C; SPI)

Manuscript Number: 1674-8042(2010)supp.-0121-02

dio: 10.3969/j.issn1674-8042.2010.supp..33


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