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Research on Public Traffic Vehicles Dispatch Based on Improved Adaptive Genetic Algorithm

Chuan-xiang REN, Zhen LI, Fa-sheng LIU, Chang-chang YIN, Jing-yi CUI

College of Information and Electrical Engineering,Shandong University of Science and Technology,Qingdao 266510, China

Abstract—Bus dispatching has been studied, and also the bus dispatching model is set up. Then, Genetic Algorithm is adaptively improved in order to avoid premature problem and the slow convergence, and then the keeping optimal strategy is used to the Genetic Algorithm, so formed the Improved Adaptive Genetic Algorithm,namely IAGA. Finally, the IAGA is used to optimizing the bus dispatching model, and the results of the simulation indicate IAGA has the higher efficiency than simple GA and is one effective way to optimizing the bus dispatching.

Keywords—urban public transport; bus dispatching; genetic algorithms; adaptive genetic algorithm

Manuscript Number: 1674-8042(2010)supp.-0186-04

dio: 10.3969/j.issn1674-8042.2010.supp..49


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