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Efficient and Flexible 3D Virtual Desktop System in the Windows Environment

Seungpyo Hong, Donsu Lee, Sangjun Lee


School of Computing, Soongsil University, Seoul 156743, Korea

Abstract— As personal computers have been recently improved in performance, a multi-tasking of running several applications at the same time has been generalized. Since only one task space is provided for performing such tasks in the Windows operating system, a number of computer users feel inconvenience. In this paper, we suggest a 3D Virtual Desktop System which can show a process of switching task spaces in 3D motion using DirectX. Our system aims to make up for the weak points in the Windows operating system, and to provide a computer user with more spaces for performing several tasks as well as the intuitive UI(User Interface), such as Compiz of Linux.


Keywords—3D Virtual Desktop; 3D Desktop; Virtual Desktop; 3D UI;


Manuscript Number: 1674-8042(2010)supp.-0178-04


dio: 10.3969/j.issn1674-8042.2010.supp..47




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