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Study on the Gas Detonation Experimental System of Human Body Electrostatic Discharge

Xiu-jie Dong,Qiang Guo,Xu Chen,Jing-chang Zhang

School of Electronic and Information, Zhongyuan University of Technology China, Zhengzhou 450007

Abstract— The modeling system of the gas detonation by the  human body electrostatic discharge (ESD) in coal mine is developed successfully, and the body’s dynamic ESD model is established. To obtain a gas concentration causes by the explosions most easily in coal mine environment. The results provide an academic and experimental evidence for the safe electrostatic production and management in coal mine. The system adopts 77E58 as control core and the circuit optimized design, to take dual protection to the gas path and circuit of the system, systematic operation is safe and reliable. The experimental results show that the system can be carried out series of experiments of the human body ESD model detonating mixed gas, the measuring accuracy of gas concentration is 0.1%. And draws a conclusion that the gas concentration which causes the explosions most easily is 8.7%, but not the higher gas concentration is, the more explosive is.

Keywords-microcontroller; experimental system; design hardware ; design software; ESD model.

Manuscript Number: 1674-8042(2010)supp.-0173-05

dio: 10.3969/j.issn1674-8042.2010.supp..46


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