1)Youngtak Kim, 2)Namki Lee, 3)Jaehyoung Yu, 4)Hernsoo Hahn*
Dept. of Electronic Engineering, Soongsil University, Seoul, Korea
Abstract— This paper proposes a lane detection algorithm using sub stretching of histogram. First of all, makes a decision whether the image has foggy or not. For this, sets the interest region and analyzes the histogram of the region. If the image has a fog, applies a contrast enhancement algorithm using sub-stretching of histogram. In order to detect lane information, uses connectivity of edge pixels of road image and finds the straight lines forward to the center of image. To evaluate the performance of proposed algorithm, tested the algorithm on the road image obtained by a driving test and verified its efficiency.
Keywords— Lane detection; Fog judgmen; Contrast enhancement;
Manuscript Number: 1674-8042(2010)supp.-0164-04
dio: 10.3969/j.issn1674-8042.2010.supp..44
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