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Adaptive Gaussian Noise Image Removal Algorithm Using Filtering-Based Noise Estimation

Tuan-anh NGUYEN,  Hong-son NGUYEN,  Min-cheol HONG


(Dept.of Information and Telecommunication, Soongsil University, Seoul 156-743, Korea)


Abstract-This paper proposes a spatially denoising algorithm using filtering-based noise estimation for an image corrupted by Gaussian noise. The proposed algorithm consists of two stages: estimation and elimination of noise density. To adaptively deal with variety of the noise amount, a noisy input image is firstly filtered by a lowpass filter. Standard deviation of the noise is computed from different images between the noisy input and its filtered image. In addition, a modified Gaussian noise removal filter based on the local statistics such as local weighted mean, local weighted activity and local maximum is used to control the degree of noise suppression. Experiments show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.


Key words-denoising;local statistics;Gaussian filtering; noise estimation; Gaussian noise


Manuscript Number: 1674-8042(2011)03-0230-05


doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8042m.2011.03.007




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