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Large Scale Text Classification with Multi-label Naive Bayes


(Dept. of Computer Science, University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand)


Abstract-Large scale multi-label text classification tasks are becoming common with online databases, such as Wikipedia and the DMOZ web directory. Current machine learning classifiers lack the scaling capabilities required to manage these databases. An efficient multi-label mixture model is proposed in this paper called Multi-label Naive Bayes (MLNB). The MLNB can be extremely efficiently trained with closed form and linear time estimation. An approximate inference algorithm called Extended Greedy Iterative Addition (EGIA) is proposed for sparse generative classifiers, using pruning techniques and exploiting data sparsity to reduce uhe practical time complexity of classification. The model and the inference algorithm are evaluated on the LSHTC2 datasets for large scale multi-label text classification, resulting in accuracy comparable to K-Nearest Neighbour, with sub-second classification times for multi-label classification of over 325000 labels and 1.6 million features.


Key words-multi-label; text classification; mixture model; Wikipedia; naive Bayes; DMOZ; LSHTC2; MLNB; EGIA


Manuscript Number: 1674-8042(2011)supp1.-0038-08


doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8042.2011.supp1.009




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