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Implementation of Ontext-aware Collaboration Framework with XLogic Collaborative RFID/USN-Enabled Adaptive Middleware

Chang-hyun BYUNChang-hyun BYUN1, Kyungeun PARK1, Jekuk YUN1, Yanggon KIM1, Juno CHANG2


(1. Dept. of Computer & Information Sciences, Towson University, Towson, Maryland, 21252, USA; 2.Division of Digital Media, Sangmyung University, Seoul 110-743, Korea)


Abstract-The purpose of the XCREAM (XLogic Collaborative RFID/USN-Enabled Adaptive Middleware) is to make collaboration among many RFID/USN-enabled applications possible by providing them with convenient web service interface to the XCREAM through XML infrastructure language (XLogic). Also, frequent communication transactions between various kinds of external devices and the XCREAM framework enabled us to keep on searching for the effective way to make better use of massive heterogeneous data. Most of all, we tried to deduct a specific situation (context) by analysing the complex events. As a solution for this requirement, a context awareness scheme has been integrated to the existing XCREAM framework with an ontology based rule engine. This paper describes the integration process of the XCREAM with the context awareness scheme and inference rule engine.


Key words-context awareness; ontology; XCREAM(XLogic Collaborative RFID/USN-Enabled Adaptive Middleware); RFID (Radio Frequency Identification); USN (Universal Sensor Network); collaboration; middleware framework


Manuscript Number: 1674-8042(2011)supp1.-0054-06


doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8042.2011.supp1.012




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