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Fall detection system in enclosed environments based on single Gaussian model

Adel Rhuma, Miao Yu, Jonathon A Chambers


(Advanced Signal Processing Group, Dept. of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, Loughborough University, Loughborough, Leicester LE11 3TU, UK)


Abstract:In this paper, we propose an efficient fall detection system in enclosed environments based on single Gaussian model using the maximum likelihood method. Online video clips are used to extract the features from two cameras. After the model is constructed, a threshold is set, and the probability for an incoming sample under the single Gaussian model is compared with that threshold to make a decision. Experimental results show that  if a proper threshold is set, a good recognition rate for fall activities can be achieved.


Key words:humans fall detection; enclosed environments; one class support vector machine (OCSVM); imperfect training data; shape analysis; maximum likelihood (ML); background subtraction; codebook; voxel person


CLD number: TP391 Document code: A


Article ID: 1674-8042(2012)02-0123-06  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8042.2012.02.006




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