Xiaowei An, Youngjoon Han, Hernsoo Hahn
(Dept. of Electronic Engineering, Soongsil University, Seoul 156-743, Korea)
Abstract:A new improvement is proposed for stereo matching which gives a solution to disparity map in terms of edge energy. We decompose the stereo matching into three parts: sparse disparity estimation for image-pairs, edge energy model and final disparity refinement. A three-step procedure is proposed to solve them sequentially. At the first step, we perform an initial disparity model using the ordering constraint and interpolation to obtain a more efficient sparse disparity space. At the second step, we apply the energy function by the edge constraints that exist in both images. The last step is a kind of disparity filling. We determine disparity values in target regions based on global optimization. The proposed three-step simple stereo matching procedure yields excellent quantitative and qualitative results with Middlebury data sets in a fast way.
Key words: stereo matching; disparity space; edge energy model; disparity filling
CLD number: TP391 Document code: A
Article ID: 1674-8042(2012)02-0129-04 doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8042.2012.02.007
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