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Facial model fitting algorithm based on active appearance model

 LI Lu-ning, Hernsoo Hahn, Youngjoon Han

(Dept. of Engineering and Electronics, Soongsil University, Seoul 156-743, Korea) 
Abstract:Active appearance model(AAM) is an efficient method for the localization of facial feature points, which is also useful for the subsequent work such as face detection and facial expression recognition. In this paper, we mainly discuss the AAMs based on principal component analysis (PCA). We also propose an efficient facial fitting algorithm, which is named inverse compositional image alignment (ICIA), to eliminate a considerable amount of computation resulting from traditional gradient descent fitting algorithm. Finally, 3D facial curvature is used to initialize the location of facial feature, which helps select the parameters of initial state for the improved AAM.
Key words:active appearance model(AAM); inverse compositional image alignment (ICIA); facial fitting; facial curvature
CLD number: TP391.41 Document code: A
Article ID: 1674-8042(2012)04-0323-05 doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8042.2012.04.005
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