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Review of thrust measurement techniques for micro-thrusters

DU Bing-xiao(都柄晓), ZHAO Yong(赵勇), YAO Wen(姚雯), CHEN Xiao-qian(陈小前)


(College of Aerospace Science and Engineering, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073, China)


Abstract: The applications of the micro-thruster and the challenges of micro-thrust measuring are introduced. The developments in measuring techniques for the micro-thrust are reviewed. Micro-thrust measurements have previously been made either directly by mounting thrusters to the measurement system or indirectly by mounting a target in the direct path of the ejected propellant. Several typical direct and indirect thrust-stands are presented and discussed in detail to illustrate the principles. Typical calibration methods are also expounded. Finally, the resolution, uncertainty and thrust range of each thrust-stand are given, which may be helpful for the future thrust stand design and micro-thrusters research.


Key words:micro-thruster; thrust stand; thrust measurement; calibration; direct measurement; indirect measurement


CLD number: V43 Document code: A


Article ID: 1674-8042(2013)02-0103-08   doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8042.2013.02.001




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