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Movement and behavior analysis using neural spike signals in CA1 of rat hippocampus

Hyejin An1, Kyungjin You1, Minwhan Jung2, Hyunchool Shin1


(1. Department of Electronic Engineering, Soongsil University, Seoul 156-743, Korea; 2. Institute for Medical Sciences, Ajou University School of Medicine, Suwon 443-749, Korea)


Abstract: The hippocampus which lies in the temporal lobe plays an important role in spatial navigation, learning and memory. Several studies have been made on the place cell activity, spatial memory, prediction of future locations and various learning paradigms. However, there are no attempts which have focused on finding whether neurons which contribute largely to both spatial memory and learning about the reward exist. This paper proposes that there are neurons that can simultaneously engage in forming place memory and reward learning in a rat hippocampus's CA1 area. With a trained rat, a reward experiment was conducted in a modified 8-shaped maze with five stages, and utterance information was obtained from a CA1 neuron. The firing rate which is the count of spikes per unit time was calculated. The decoding was conducted with log-maximum likelihood estimation (Log-MLE) using Gaussian distribution model. Our outcomes provide evidence of neurons which play a part in spatial memory and learning regarding reward.


Key words:  hippocampus; CA1; place cell; reward learning; spatial memory; Gaussian distribution; maximum likelihood estimation(MLE)


CLD number: Q189 Document code: A


Article ID: 1674-8042(2013)04-0392-05  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8042.2013.04.019




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