LIANG Quan-quan
(College of Information and Electrical Engineering, Shandong University of Science and Technology, Qingdao 266590, China)
Abstract: With the development of wireless technologies, multifarious standards are currently used in the underground coal mine communication systems. In this paper, the coexistence of 802.15.4 based wireless senser networks (WSNs) with other wireless networks using cognitive radio technique are discussed. Multiple sensor nodes are involved in the spectrum sensing to avoid the interference from other wireless users. The more the sensor nodes cooperate in the sensing, the better the detection performance can be obtained; however, more energy is consumed. How to get the tradeoff between energy efficiency and detection performance is a key problem. According to the requirements for detection, we first give the least required detection time of a single sensor node. Then, the voting fusion rule is adopted for the final decision making. Finally, the relationship between final detection performance and energy consumption is analyzed.
Key words: cognitive sensor networks; cooperative spectrum sensing; energy efficiency
CLD number: TP393.03 Document code: A
Article ID: 1674-8042(2014)01-0046-05 doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8042.2014.01.010
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(山东科技大学 信息与电气工程学院, 山东 青岛 266590)
摘要:随着无线技术的发展, 越来越多的通信标准被应用于井下环境中。 本文讨论了利用认知无线电技术将基于 802.15.4 标准的无线传感器网络同其他井下无线网络融合的问题。 在认知无线传感器网络中, 引入联合频谱感知机制, 即一组传感器节点协作完成频谱感知任务。 越多传感器节点的参与将会获得越准确的检测结果, 但也将造成更多的能量损耗。 因此如何得到检测准确性与能量有效性的折中是该网络的一个关键问题。 首先, 分析得到了单节点检测能耗与检测性能之间的函数关系, 求得在满足一定检测性能要求下的最短感知时间。 其次, 采用基于投票准则的融合机制, 得到了最终检测性能与能耗之间的关系。
关键词:认知传感器网络; 联合频谱检测; 能效
引用格式:LIANG Quan-quan. Energy-aware cooperative spectrum sensing for underground cognitive sensor networks. Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation, 2014, 5(1): 46-50. [doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8042.2014.01.010]
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