GAO Zheng-zhong, WANG Xiao-hui, LI Zhi-wen
(College of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Shandong University of Science and Technology, Qingdao 266590, China)
Abstract: An intelligent line-tracking robot using the enhanced microprocessor STM32F103RBT6 as its core controller is introduced in this paper. The hardware configuration and line-tracking control principle of the system are described, and the black-white marked program design of the sensor is analyzed. Two motors are respectively driven by two H-bridge driving circuits, which are formed by four discrete components of metal oxide semiconductor (MOS) field effect transistor respectively. By altering values of voltage directions and pulse width modulation (PWM), the walking direction and the speed of robot are adjusted, and the traditional PID control theory is adopted to adjust the robot during walking process. The results indicate that the design is scientific and reasonable, low cost, good adaptability and high applicability.
Key words: intelligent robot; STM32; line-tracking; PWM; PID control
CLD number: TP242.6 Document code: A
Article ID: 1674-8042(2014)02-0055-04 doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8042.2014.02.011
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基于 STM32 的智能巡线机器人设计
高正中, 王晓慧, 李志文
(山东科技大学 电气与自动化工程学院, 山东 青岛 266590)
摘要:本文提出了一种以增强型微控制器 STM32F103RBT6 为核心的智能巡线机器人, 阐述了系统的巡线控制原理、 硬件构造, 分析了传感器的黑白标定软件设计。 该系统采用两个由 4个分立元件(MOS管)构成的H桥驱动电路分别驱动左右两个电机, 并且通过改变电压极性及脉冲宽度调制波(PWM)来调整机器人的行走方向和速度, 并在行走过程中运用传统PID控制进行调节。 结果表明, 设计方式科学合理, 机器人对场地适应性强、 成本低、 实用性强。
关键词:智能机器人; STM32; 巡线; PWM; PID控制
引用格式:GAO Zheng-zhong,WANG Xiao-hui,LI Zhi-wen. Design of intelligent line-tracking robot based on STM32. Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation, 2014, 5(2): 55-58. [doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8042.2014.02.011]
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