V F Kravchenko1, V I Lutsenko2, I V Lutsenko2, D O Popov2
(1. Kotel’nikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow 125009, Russia; 2. Usikov Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kharkov 61085, Ukraine)
Abstract: The possibility of describing the time-dependent processes of scattering by underlying surfaces and the clear sky, as well as the seasonal behaviour of the refractive index of troposphere by using nested semi-Markov processes has been considered. Local Gaussian models can be used to describe the process inside each phase state. The possibility of describing the statistics of reflections from the sea and the refractive index by using Kravchenko finite functions has been shown for the first time.
Key words: semi-Markov processes; Kravchenko functions; atomic functions; scattered signal
CLD number: TN911.7 Document code: A
Article ID: 1674-8042(2014)03-0025-08 doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8042.2014.03.006
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V F Kravchenko1, V I Lutsenko2, I V Lutsenko2, D O Popov2
(1. Kotel’nikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow 125009, Russia; 2. Usikov Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kharkov 61085, Ukraine)
摘要:本文探讨由下垫面和晴朗天空散射引起的以时间为标示过程的可能性, 以及对流层的巢式半马尔可夫过程折射率的季节性变化。 各阶段状态中的过程都可以用局部高斯模型描述。 本文提出了描述海面反射统计数据的可能性, 并且首次用克拉夫钦科有限函数给出了折射率。
关键词:半马尔可夫过程; 克拉夫钦科函数; 微小函数; 散射信号
引用格式:Kravchenko V F, Lutsenko V I, Lutsenko I V, et al. Description and analysis of non-stationary signals by nested semi-Markov processes. Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation, 2014, 5(3): 25-32. [doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8042.2014.03.006]
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