SHI Sheng-zhe, ZHENG Ya-xiong
(High Speed Hydrodynamic Laboratory, Special Vehicle Research Institute of Aviation Industry Corporation of China, Jingmen 448035, China)
Abstract: The usability of test results of ship model vertical center of gravity and transverse moment of inertia is generally depends on its uncertainty. Referring to the guidelines for uncertainty analysis in examination of liquid dynamic recommended by International Towing Tank Conference ( ITTC), the results were analyzed, bias limits and precision limits were calculated and total uncertainty was estimated. The total uncertainty of six tests on ship model vertical center of gravity is is 0.16% of the mean value, and the total uncertainty of six tests on ship model transverse moment of inertia is 5.66% of the mean value. The test results show that the total uncertainty of both the multiple tests and the single test is from the precision limits of ship model vertical center of gravity and transverse moment of inertia tests.Thus, the improved measurement system stability can enormously decrease the total uncertainty of multiple tests and the single test.
Key words: ship model test; vertical center of gravity; transverse moment of inertia; uncertainty analysis
CLD number: U661.1Document code: A
Article ID: 1674-8042(2015)01-0041-06 doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8042.2015.01.008
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史圣哲, 郑亚雄
(中国特种飞行器研究所 高速水动力实验室, 湖北 荆门 448035)
摘要:船模重心高度和横向转动惯量测量试验测量结果的可用性很大程度上取决于其不确定度的大小。 参照ITTC推荐规程中试验流体动力学不确定度分析规范, 对船模重心高度和横向转动惯量测量试验进行了不确定度分析, 给出了船模重心高度和横向转动惯量的偏差极限、 精密度极限和总不确定度。 重心高度的六次试验平均值的总不确定度占平均值的0.16%, 横向转动惯量的六次试验平均值的总不确定度占平均值的5.66%。 船模重心高度和横向转动惯量测量试验多次试验平均值的总不确定度和单次试验的总不确定度主要来自精密度极限, 提高测量系统的稳定性可以极大的降低多次试验平均值的总不确定度和单次试验的总不确定度。
关键词:船模试验; 重心高度; 横向转动惯量; 不确定度分析
引用格式:SHI Sheng-zhe, ZHENG Ya-xiong. Uncertainty analysis of ship model vertical center of gravity and transverse moment of inertia test. Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation, 2015, 6(1): 41-46. [doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8042.2015.01.008]
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