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Design and implementation of configurable parameters test system for transient pressure measurement


XIE Ya-ni, JIA Zhen-hua


(Key Laboratory of Instrumentation Science & Dynamic Measurement (North University of China), Ministry of Education, Taiyuan 030051, China)


Abstract: For the shock wave overpressure signal measurement of explosion field, the type and equivalent of the ammunition as well as the distance from test nodes to ground zero have a great influence on the characteristics of shock wave signal. To ensure that shock wave signal with different characteristic parameters can be collected completely  in the test of shooting range, a  transient pressure signal storage system with configurable parameters is presented. In order to meet the requirements of different test nodes, the system can set parameters of all test nodes by wireless communication in explosion field. The feasibility and reliability of the system are fully verified through transient pressure measurement in explosion field.


Key words: transient pressure; shock wave signal; test system; configurable parameters 


CLD number: TP274Document code: A


Article ID: 1674-8042(2015)02-0123-05 doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8042.2015.02.004




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解亚妮, 贾振华


 (中北大学 仪器科学与动态测试教育部重点实验室, 山西 太原 030051)


摘要: 在爆炸场的冲击波超压测试中, 弹药的当量、 类型以及测试节点到爆心的距离都会影响冲击波信号的特征。 为保证不同特征的冲击波信号在靶场测试中都能被完整采集, 本文提出了一种参数可配置的瞬态压力存储测试系统。 该系统通过无线通信的方式对爆炸场的所有测试节点进行参数设置, 满足了不同节点的测试需求。 通过爆炸环境的测试实验, 验证了测试节点的可靠性。


关键词: 瞬态压力; 冲击波信号; 测试系统; 参数可配置


引用格式:XIE Ya-ni, JIA Zhen-hua. Design and implementation of configurable parameters test system for transient pressure measurement. Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation, 2015, 6(2): 123-127. [doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8042.2015.02.004]


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