FEI Yiwei, GUO Feng, YAO Ting, YANG Hongwei, CHENG Zhisheng
(Department of Aviation Oil and Material, China Air Force Logistics College, Xuzhou 221000, China)
Abstract: The thermal degradation of two synthetic lubricants base oils, polyαolefins (PAO) and diesters (DE), was investigated under oxidative pyrolysis condition and their properties were characterized in simulated “areoengine” by comparing the thermal stability and identifying the products of thermal decomposition as a function of exposure temperature. The characterization of the products were performed by means of Fourier transform infrared spectrometry (FTIR), gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) and viscosity experiments. The results show that PAO has the lower thermal stability, being degraded at 200 ℃ different from 300 ℃ for DE. Several byproducts are identified during the thermal degradation of two lubricant base oils. The majority of PAO products consist of alkenes and olefins, while more oxygencontained organic compounds are detected in DE samples based on GC/MS analysis. The related reaction mechanisms are discussed based on the experimental results.
Key words: synthetic aviation lubricant base oils; thermal stability; oxidative pyrolysis; GC/MS analysis; viscosity degradation
CLD number: V317.1 Document code: A
Article ID: 16748042(2015)04039609 doi: 10.3969/j.issn.16748042.2015.04.016
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费逸伟, 郭峰, 姚婷, 杨宏伟, 程治升
(空军勤务学院 航空油料物资系, 江苏 徐州221000)
摘要:为研究航空润滑油的热氧化安定性, 模拟聚α烯烃(PAO)和酯类油(DE)两种合成航空润滑基础油在发动机内的高温工况, 借助傅里叶红外光谱(FTIR)、气相色谱/质谱(GC/MS)联用等仪器对反应油样的黏度和结构组成进行测试与分析。 结果表明, PAO具有较差的热氧化安定性能, 在200 ℃时就发生分解, 而DE的分解温度可达到300 ℃。 在两种航空润滑基础油的高温衰变中, 均有不同的产物生成。 PAO衰变产物主要包括烷烃和烯烃, 而DE的衰变产物主要是含氧化合物。 最后, 根据实验结果分析了航空润滑基础油的高温衰变机理。
关键词:合成航空润滑基础油; 热安定性; 氧化分解; GC/MS分析; 黏度衰变
引用格式:FEI Yiwei, GUO Feng, YAO Ting, et al. Thermal oxidation of two aviation synthetic lubricant base oils. Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation, 2015, 6(4): 396404. [doi: 10.3969/j.issn.16748042.2015.04.016]
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