Alaa-Eldin A Abd-Elmageed, Sameh M Reda
(Photometry and Radiometry division, National Institute for Standards (NIS), Giza 12211-136, Egypt)
Abstract: Phototherapy lamps are the most effective and safest in the treatment of several medical treatments such as bilirubin. They transfer radiant energy expressed by irradiance unit in W/m2 into the skin specifically to achieve a therapeutic reduction in the bilirubin concentration in the blood. National Institute for Standards (NIS) in Egypt builds up a radiometric method to ensure the competence of phototherapy sources (luminaire) to the standard international and national requirements. Hence, NIS provides traceability to customer through unbroken chain of phototherapy radiometer calibrated as irradiance response in W/m2. Uncertainty model including all parameters accompanied with the measurements is studied.
Key words: irradiance; jaundice treatment; phototherapy luminaire; uncertainty
CLD number: R-33Document code: A
Article ID: 1674-8042(2015)04-0332-04 doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8042.2015.04.005
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Alaa-Eldin A Abd-Elmageed, Sameh M Reda
(Photometry and Radiometry division, National Institute for Standards (NIS), Giza 12211-136, Egypt)
摘要:光疗灯在治疗诸如胆红素等疾病中是最有效和最安全的。 光疗灯能把每瓦特/平方米辐照单位的辐射能转移到皮肤中, 降低血液中的胆红素浓度。 埃及国家标准研究所(NIS)设立了辐射度测量标准, 确保光疗源(泛光灯)达到国际标准和国家要求。 为此, 通过将一个光疗辐射计的完整链作为每瓦特/平方米的辐射响应, 国家标准研究向顾客提供可追踪性, 对包含所有测量参数的不确定模型据进行了研究。
关键词:辐照; 黄疸病治疗; 光疗法光源; 不确定性
引用格式:Alaa-Eldin A Abd-Elmageed, Sameh M Reda. Uncertainty contribution at NIS phototherapy irradiance facility. Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation, 2015, 6(4): 332-335. [doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8042.2015.04.005]
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