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Design of DC regulated power supply based on single chip microcomputer


XUAN Chun-qing1, YU Jing-ru1, XUAN Zhi-wei2, GAO Jing1


(1. Department of Information Engineering,  Zhengzhou Chenggong University of Finance and Economics, Gongyi 451200, China; 2. Wuhan Guide Infrared Co., Ltd.,  Wuhan 430070, China)


Abstract: A DC regulated power supply with numerical control based on single chip microcomputer (SCM) is designed. SCM is the main controller and output voltage of DC power supply can be set by keyboard. The analog voltage can be obtained through D/A converter (DAC0832) so that different voltages can be provided by operational amplifier. The output voltage varies from 0 V to 12 V with the incremental value of 0.1 V. The actual output voltage is shown in the nixietube. This DC regulated power supply is characterized by simple structure and easy operation.


Key words: DC regulated power suppy; single chip microcomputer (SCM); D/A converter


CLD number: TP21 Document code: A


Article ID: 1674-8042(2015)04-0373-05 doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8042.2015.04.012




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轩春青1,  于景茹1,  轩志伟2, 高静1


(1. 郑州成功财经学院 信息工程系,  河南 巩义 451200; 2. 武汉高德红外股份有限公司, 湖北 武汉 430070)


摘要:设计了基于单片机的数控直流电压源。 以单片机为主控制器, 通过键盘设置直流电源的输出电压, 经D/A转换后(DAC0832)输出模拟量, 再经过运算放大器输出不同的电压。 电压输出范围0-12 V, 步进值为0.1 V, 可由数码管显示实际输出电压值。 电路结构简单、 操作方便, 可满足各类电子实验的要求。


关键词:直流电压源; 单片机; D/A转换器


引用格式:XUAN Chun-qing, YU Jing-ru, XUAN Zhi-wei, et al. Design of DC regulated power supply based on single chip microcomputer. Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation, 2015, 6(4): 373-377. [doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8042.2015.04.012]

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