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Fabrication of automatic switch for AC-DC completely automated measurement system at NIS


M Helmy A Raouf, Rasha S M Ali

(Department of Electrical Quantities Metrology, National Institute for Standards (NIS), Giza 12211-136, Egypt)


Abstract: A fast automatic AC-DC switch is designed and fabricated mainly by a microcontroller and three double poles single throw reed relays. This new switch is introduced to establish a fully automated system for AC-DC measurements through AC-DC transfer standards for the first time at the National Institute for standards (NIS) in Egypt. The implemented circuit of the automatic AC-DC switch and its protection are presented in details. An AC voltage source is calibrated against DC voltage source by using the demonstrated automatic switch as an application. The calibrated voltage ranges are 2 V, 6 V, 20 V and 60 V as examples. The uncertainty budget is also evaluated for the calibrated values.  


Key words: AC voltage measurement; AC-DC  transfer standard; automatic switching system; uncertainty


CLD number: TM93  Document code: A


Article ID: 1674-8042(2017)01-0027-05doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8042-2017-01-005






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M Helmy A Raouf, Rasha S M Ali


(国家标准化研究所 电量计量部,吉萨 12211-136, 埃及)


摘要:采用了三个双刀单掷簧片继电器研制了一个快速自动A-DC转换开关。 依据A-DC转化标准, 所研制的开关首次用于埃及国家标准化所的AD-DC全自动测量系统中。 对自动AC-DC转换开关的电路及保护电路进行了介绍, 并使用该转换开关实现了从AC电压源到DC电压源转换的标定, 标定的DC电压源量程为2、  6、 20和 60 V。 最后, 对校准值的不确定性进行了估算。


关键词:交流电压测量; AC-DC转换标准; 自动转换系统; 不确定性


引用格式:Raouf M H A, Ali R S M. Fabrication of automatic switch for AC-DC completely automated measurement system at NIS. Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation, 2017, 8(1): 27-31. [doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8042.2017-01-005]


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