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LabVIEW based temperature transmitter - a simple and realizable approach for experimental cum application study in the laboratory

T K Maiti, Madonna Narzary, Ankur Jyoti Barman

Department of Instrumentation Engineering, Central Institute of Technology Kokrajhar, Assam 783370, India)


Abstract:In this paper,we have presented a simple approach for experimental and application study on LabVIEW based temperature transmitter with NI myRIO device in the laboratory. In this work, to study the small range of temperature (40-100 ℃) although different temperature sensors can be used still, we have used here a K-type thermocouple as the measuring temperature sensor. The analog output voltage of thermocouple is amplified by instrumentation amplifier and the amplified signal is fed to the analog input of NI myRIO device which converts the analog input voltage signal as per the algorithm developed with virtual instrumentation based programming and provides the corresponding 4-20 mA output current signal in the analog output terminal of the device. Results show that input-output i.e. temperature-current relationship is linear. This low cost developed transmitter is very simple and it can be recommended for academic, scientific and industrial development of data acquisition systems, control and analysis of instruments.

Key words:temperature transmitter; virtual instrumentation programming; K-type thermocouple; LabVIEW; NI myRIO device


CLD number:TP212     Document code:A

Article ID:1674-8042(2019)04-0322-07     doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-8042.2019.04.003



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T K Maiti, Madonna Narzary, Ankur Jyoti Barman

(科克拉贾尔中央理工学院 仪器工程系, 阿萨姆 783370 , 印度)

  :  设计了一个简单的方法, 利用NI myRIO设备对基于LabVIEW的温度变送器进行实验和应用研究。 在40-100℃温度范围内, 采用一个K型热偶作为温度测量传感器。 首先, 将热偶的模拟输出电压通过仪器进行放大; 然后, 将放大的信号反馈到NI myRIO的模拟输入端; 最后, NI myRIO采用基于虚拟仪器编程实现的算法将输入的模拟信号转换成相应的的4-20 mA的电流输出信号, 输出到NI myRIO的模拟输出端。 结果表明, 输入的温度和输出的电流呈线性关系。 此方法成本低廉, 所研发的变送器简单实用, 可用于数据采集系统的开发和仪器的控制与分析。

关键词:  温度变送器; 虚拟仪器编程; K型热偶;  LabVIEW; NI myRIO


引用格式:  T K Maiti, Madonna Narzary, Ankur Jyoti Barman. LabVIEW based temperature transmitter - a simple and realizable approach for experimental cum application study in the laboratory. Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation, 2019, 10(4): 322-328. [doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8042.2019.04.003]

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