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An SPM stage driven by three stepper motors

BAI Jiang-hua, Andres La Rosa


(Physics Department, Portland State University, Oregon 97201, USA)


Abstract: A scanning probe microscope (SPM) stage controlled by three stepper motors is designed, which has more flexibilities than that of one motor controlled stage, while the control whom is more complicated. In this project, we build the stage actions in an Arduino microcontroller, and finite state machine (FSM) is also built in the Arduino micro controller to communicate with a computer and a radio frequency (RF) controller. A special displaying scheme with five states is employed to indicate the operation of the stage. Finally, the stage is fully tested and has a 700 nm resolution in Z motion of the SPM.


Key words: scanning probe microscope (SPM); stepper motors;  radio frequency (RF) control; LabVIEW


CLD number: TM383.6Document code: A


Article ID: 1674-8042(2017)03-0271-06   doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-80422017-03-010



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白江华, Andres La Rosa


(波特兰州立大学 物理系, 俄勒冈州 97201, 美国)


摘要:设计了一个由3 个步进电机驱动的扫描探针显微镜(Scanning probe microscope, SPM)基座。 这个基座比普通的由一个电机驱动的基座要灵活,但基座的控制也相对复杂。基座的3 个电动机由一个Arduino 单片机来控制。在Arduino单片机里面还设计了一个状态机,通过这个状态机单片机与电脑上位机和一个射频遥控器进行通信。  另外,本项目还用两个5状态LED来显示有限状态机(Finite state machine,FSM)的不同状态以及电动机和基座的运动状态。 最后,通过测试和调试,本基座在Z方向上能实现700纳米的机械控制分辨率。




引用格式:BAI Jiang-hua, Rosa A L. An SPM stage driven by three stepper motors. Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation, 2017, 8(3): 271-276. [doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8042.2017-03-10]



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