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Experimental Verification of Doppler Effect with the Refraction Method

Lie FENG(冯冽), Jia-bi CHEN(陈家璧),  Jing-bin HU(胡金兵),  Song -lin ZHUANG(庄松林)


Optical Electronic Information and Computer Engineering College, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai 200093, China


Abstract-The traditional method of measuring Doppler Effect is  either reflection or dispersion. This article clarifies that it can also verify  the Doppler Effect with the refraction method. We have designed the experimenta l system with the method of optical heterodyne, using the refraction light beam  from a prism, and made the experiment. The experimental results are in accordanc e with the theoretical calculation. It is very useful in some particular case, s uch as in Negative-Index Materials(NIM), to verify the Doppler Effect with this  method.


Key words-refraction method; verification the Doppler E ffect; NIM


Manuscript Number: 1674-8042(2010)01-0058-03


dio: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8042.2010.01.12




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