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Design and Implementation of GPS Vehicle Navigation and Guidance System

Bing-zhong REN(任炳忠)1, Wen-huan KONG(孔文焕)2


1. Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Information, Shandong Univ ersity of Science and Technology, Qingdao 266510, China;2. Dept. of Microcomputer, Jinan Vocational College of Foreign Language, Jin an 250001, China


Abstract-The urban traffic information management has become a n important way of solving traffic jam of cities. With the wider use of the thir d generation of mobile communication (3G) networks, urban information management  based on 3G will be a central issue of application. The paper designs a framewo rk of Global Positioning System (GPS) vehicle navigating and guiding system usin g 3G mobile network and Global Information System (GIS) electronic map according  to moving objects. It discusses moving object’s time-space attributes which w ill be described by a five-field and a directed graph. It analyzes the GPS mobi le apparatus’s software functions and hardware structures. And it improves the  function of GPS mobile apparatus which provide the guiding function utilizing th e shared information of traffic. The navigation based on the shortest path algor ithm is been advanced to one based on the real-time traffic flow of moving obje cts, which help people travelling on roads more convenietly.


Key words-moving objects; urban informatization; global  positioning system; intelligent transport system


Manuscript Number: 1674-8042(2010)02-0157-04


dio: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8042.2010.02.14





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