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Game “Divi-Divi-Dip” Based on Interactive Robot

Sung-ju YUN, Kee-chul JUNG


Dept. of Digital Media, Human-Centered Interfaces Lab, Soongsil  University, Seoul 156-743, Korea


Abstract-Recently the improved robot working in very various f ields, many researchers are trying to develop the robot to help people in the se rvice field. However people who meet a robot in the first time generally get het erogeneous feeling. To resolve this, we suggest an interactive game with robots  to increase the friendliness. The game, called “Divi-Divi-Dip” with 3 differ ent body poses, is first introduced in a Korean TV program. The robot is using t he visionary technology to recognize the pose with camera for the interactive ga me.


Key words-Divi-Divi-Dip; chamfer distance; template m atching; interactive game


Manuscript Number: 1674-8042(2011)01-0030-04


dio: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8042.2011.01.08




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